
Inspiration, Teenage writing

You ever just… Have a dream, and you wake up with a fully formed novel idea just waiting, stagnate in your mind? I love those mornings. I truly do, I always get so excited and I write all day long (even through classes, which I probably shouldn’t do but whatever!)
And then I wake up the next day my ‘fully formed novel’ is gone from my mind. I struggle to get it back, but it’s just not there anymore. Even with all my notes and ideas that main plot has abruptly turned into a little fluffy white cloud and floated of to join the cemetery of ideas that I am sure floats behind the head of every author (writer).
Even with my awesome, amazing plot that has shrivelled up and died in my idea toxic brain meat the excitement lives on. My shrivelled idea has left me with a scrap, a single scene ( and perhaps the occasional important piece of information like this girl has magic or she is not human I say! Not human!) in which the personalities and quirks of my main characters are apparent, and in which gives me some sort of general idea of what the story is about, even if I have to actually take the time to figure out the plot and plot twists ect. consciously rather than have my subconscious hand it to me on a silver plater upon wakening.

Anyhow ( my teenage brain got a little over excited there, thinking about my idea and I started to rant and yah the perks of having ADD…) the point is that dreaming is pretty fricking awesome for that reason… So ya..

If you hadn’t already noticed I like using … So don’t be surprised to see them a lot (and I know it’s a bit of a bad habit, Im just not willing to break it) sooo ya.

Goodnight my not so present but hopefully will eventually be loyal followers ( Mwahahahaha I plan to take over the internet with my incessant teenage rantings) (wait thats already happening, with every other teen who has access to social media… Never mind, gouge that little piece of info that you didn’t actually need to read right out of that brain!) And…



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